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Category: SDG&E Green Academy

SDG&E Green Future grant project

Solar for Homeowners 2 – Be a Smart Solar Customer Thursday, June 13

This second workshop in the two-part series, customized for homeowners looking to go solar, will provide the details of purchasing a solar electric system. After learning the fundamentals of solar in Solar for Homeowners 1, this workshop will provide the resources and information necessary for a homeowner to confidently enter into negotiations with solar contractors.

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Local organizations excel in green job training & education through A Green Future Project

SDG&E recently hosted a celebration lunch recognizing dozens of Workforce Education & Training partners involved with the grant program A Green Future Project. SDG&E awarded Green Future grants to several organizations over the past several months. The grant program aimed to provide funding for green job training and education to organizations supporting K-12 schools, trade schools, colleges/universities, underserved communities, veterans, minority and low-income groups.

SDG&E received 60 responses to the RFP solicitation that was sent out, and 24 proposals were approved representing more than $500,000 in awards.

“SDG&E is proud to collaborate with and support our Workforce Education & Training partners and help make our sustainable future a little greener,” said Caroline Winn, SDG&E’s vice president of customer services.

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A Green Future: MESA Green Academy

The Green Academy is a model ‘train-the-trainer’ academy for understanding “what is energy efficiency and sustainability.” The Green Academy will provide hands-on training in energy efficiency and sustainability to 30 high school, community college, and university students in the MESA pipeline (High schools with MESA Schools Programs in San Diego and Imperial Valley, and MESA programs at San Diego City College, Southwestern College, and San Diego State University).

In addition to receiving hands on training and a training packet, the trainees will be exposed to energy efficiency and to green careers at San Diego Gas & Electric.

The Green Academy is developed, organized, and implemented by 2 MESA staff, in collaboration with the San Diego State University PowerSave Green Campus.

The goal of the Green Academy is to prepare the trainees to deliver presentations on energy efficiency and sustainability to their peers at their respective institutions. Through these school presentations, the Green Academy outreach is expected to impact over 1,000 students from kindergarten through the college level.

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San Diego MESA Alliance receives SDG&E Green Future grant

San Diego MESA Alliance receives SDG&E Green Future grant

October 18, 2012

San Diego, CA – The San Diego Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Alliance has been awarded a $30,000 San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Green Future grant.

The objective of the grant is three-fold: 1) Enhance/develop energy efficiency and sustainable building job skills training that meets current industry demand; 2) Improve outreach of and promote participation in training programs, especially for the hard-to-reach worker, and 3) Provide “green” career exploration opportunities to post-secondary education students.

With respect to the third objective, A Green Future is interested in reaching post-secondary education students. The goal is to create student awareness of worthwhile careers in energy efficiency and sustainability, and from there provide opportunities to explore those fields more directly and in greater
depth. There is also a desire to help students understand what education, training or experience is typically required in the sustainability career of their interest.

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