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Category: MESA Day

Local students do well at regional math, science competition

The Imperial Valley Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement program has proven once again that it is possible to have fun while learning.

The team came back from the University of California, Riverside, MESA Day Regionals competition with ribbons, medals and a trophy beating out hundreds of students all over Southern California, program director Jeanette Espino said.

Students from Meadows Elementary School, Holtville Middle School, William Moreno Junior High School, Enrique Camarena Junior High School, Seeley School, Westmorland School, Kennedy Middle School and Bill E. Young Jr. Middle School participated.

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SDSU MESA Days Preliminaries

Volunteer/Community Service Opportunity:
Pre-College students in the MESA Schools Program will be competing in the SDSU MESA Day Preliminaries with several projects, i.e. Windmill, Egg Drop, Popsicle Stick Bridges, Manila Folder Bridges, Mousetrap cars, and MUCH MORE, to determine who will represent the SDSU MSP at the MESA Day Regionals.

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Imperial Valley MESA students receive visit and help from San Diego Gas & Electric engineers

All it takes to build a windmill is construction paper, rubber bands and batteries.

At least that’s what 40 Imperial Valley students in the Math Engineering Science and Achievement program in three middle schools and two high schools attempted to do at the San Diego Gas & Electric Windmill presentation at the SDG&E Resource Center on Wednesday in El Centro.

Five SDG&E engineers were on hand to give students an outlook on their career choice.

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Getting Future Scientists and Engineers to the MESA

By Kristiana Erthner
Cars racing, bridges collapsing and strange objects falling from the sky—this is what MESA Day is all about.

On Saturday, March 6, the MESA Schools Program (Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement) will host its annual MESA Day event, giving San Diego County middle and high school students the opportunity to participate in a number of science-based activities and win awards for their performances.

Continue reading Getting Future Scientists and Engineers to the MESA

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