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News and press releases regarding MESA and the San Diego MESA Alliance.

2011-2012 San Diego Region Joint Planning Conference for Engineering and Science Chapters

This unique conference is expected to enhance the professional development of tomorrow’s leaders. The purpose of the conference was to improve chapter effectiveness, improve communication between stakeholders – students, industry and MESA staff, and promote leadership development. The conference addressed chapter basics, joint planning, community college-university-industry relationships, ethics, and leadership training. See the conference agenda for specific sessions.

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MESA PG&E Student Leadership Conference

The Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Student Leadership Conference held in Oakland last month offered extensive professional and leadership development through direct interaction with industry mentors and speakers. The hand-picked students, all majoring in engineering or computer science, were from 25 universities and community colleges across the state.

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Why Science Majors Change Their Minds (It’s Just So Darn Hard)

Studies have found that roughly 40 percent of students planning engineering and science majors end up switching to other subjects or failing to get any degree… “We’re losing an alarming proportion of our nation’s science talent once the students get to college,” says Mitchell J. Chang, an education professor at U.C.L.A. who has studied the matter. “It’s not just a K-12 preparation issue.

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Southwestern College Sustainable Energy Studies

The Southwestern College Sustainable Energy Studies provides high quality education and training programs for the San Diego region to meet a growing need for a very skilled and highly educated workforce and citizenry in sustainable careers and practices.

The program offers training and education in the following areas:

Associate and certificate program in Sustainable Landscape Practices
Certificate program in Sustainable Energy Studies with a focus on Home Energy Auditing
Construction Inspection and Management certificate and degree programs that include green building code mandates
Associate, certificate and transfer program in Architecture with LEAD standards
Work experience opportunities with green business and industry partners
Evolving curriculum that continues to address changing policies and practices in the economy

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Join us for a half-day’s exploration of the power of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).

Engineers, educators and STEM experts will share their knowledge and experience with eighth graders, parents and teachers.


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2010-2011 NSF Scholarships

78 students across the 3 participating campuses of the San Diego MESA Alliance (San Diego State University MESA Engineering Program, San Diego City College MESA program, and Southwestern Community College MESA program) were given a $500 stipend for participation in SPSD activities.

$39,000 in NSF scholarships distributed directly to students significantly decreased financial burden on students and their families.

Students who received or are in the process of receiving scholarship support for the 2010-2011 academic year include:

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SDSU Part of $18.5 Million Effort to Create Mind-Machine Interface

The National Science Foundation today announced an $18.5 million grant to establish an Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering based at the University of Washington with San Diego State University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as research partners.

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Math and science mesh as students walk on water

About 200 middle school students competed at the Central Union High School swimming pool during the Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement program’s “Walking on Water” competition.

Twenty-seven schools throughout the Imperial Valley entered the competition that required, in addition to two months of preparation, a keen focus on how math and science mesh in engineering, said Jeanette Espino, MESA program director.

While the would-be inventors got to bask in the sun and splash in the water, Espino said the competition also serves as a useful instructional tool. More than 200 high school students will get to do the same at 5:15 p.m. today during their MESA competition at CUHS’ swimming pool.

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