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Category: News

News and press releases regarding MESA and the San Diego MESA Alliance.

inClass free app

inClass is a student organizer/note taker application designed for high school and college students. It allows students to take notes, photos, and record audio and video to supplement their class annotations and share this annotations between each other; besides keeping track and alerting them of their class schedule, homework, exams, and instructorsʼ information and office hours. Its first version was released on September 2010.

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Scholarship Alert blog

This blog provides notifications of scholarship, fellowship, internship opportunities for students in science and engineering disciplines courtesy of Dr. Satchi Venkataraman Associate Professor & Graduate Adviser Dept. of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics at San Diego State University.

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Fulbright Webinars

We will be conducting several webinars in the upcoming weeks and months for applicants interested in applying for the Fulbright/mtvU awards.

All the webinars will be held from 2:30 to 4:00 pm Eastern.The dates and registration information for the webinars follows

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Robots score in MESA competition

Teams of high schoolers cheered as their robots rolled forward, pushing golf balls toward a net in a miniaturized version of soccer.

Mathematic Engineering Science Achievement held its third high school robotics competition Wednesday evening at Southwest High School with 35 teams participating. The middle school competition was Tuesday with 41 teams, said local MESA director Jeanette Ramos-Espino.

Students were sent kits to build their soccer-playing robots, she said. They got to design, program and build their robots to push a golf ball into a net.

The competition is to inspire students to go into engineering careers, she said. The top three finishers will move on to a competition in April in San Diego.

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Scholarship Alert Listserve

There have been a number of scholarship, fellowship and summer opportunity announcements in the last month that may be of interest to science and engineering students. You can subscribe to the “scholarship alert” listserve. The archive of email sent are available on the web

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Writing Assistance

Just sending out a reminder that the SDSU MARC program has hired a graduate student, Anna Andrade, for writing assistance. She can review personal statements, papers for classes, etc. Her drop in hours are:

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Imperial Valley MESA students receive visit and help from San Diego Gas & Electric engineers

All it takes to build a windmill is construction paper, rubber bands and batteries.

At least that’s what 40 Imperial Valley students in the Math Engineering Science and Achievement program in three middle schools and two high schools attempted to do at the San Diego Gas & Electric Windmill presentation at the SDG&E Resource Center on Wednesday in El Centro.

Five SDG&E engineers were on hand to give students an outlook on their career choice.

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MESA Student Leadership Conference hosted by PG&E

A select group of four San Diego State students were among 150 college students across California chosen to participate in a special leadership conference.

The Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Student Leadership Conference offered extensive professional and leadership development through direct interaction with industry mentors and speakers. The hand-picked MESA students, all science, engineering, or math majors, were from 24 universities and community colleges across the state, including San Diego State University.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) sponsored the event and more than 25 PG&E employees volunteered their time to work closely with the students during the 2-day conference in October.

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