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Network with Current Doctoral Students in the Sciences

Ph.D. Panel:
Network with Current Doctoral Students in the Sciences

Ph.D. Panel – Network with Current Doctoral Students
Friday, February 17, 2012
2:00pm – 4:30pm
SDSU Hepner Hall 221

Are you interested in pursuing a Ph.D.? M.D./Ph.D.?

Curious about the life of a Ph.D. student and the challenges of graduate school?

Do you want recommendations on how to better prepare for masters or doctoral programs?

Attend this free Ph.D. panel to seek advice from graduate students, network, and get your questions answered!

Chemistry: *Karina Kangas, UCSD, Chemistry/Biochemistry
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Leo Arzu, University of Michigan *&
Aerospace Engineering, #Cecillia Larrosa, Stanford University
Marine Biology/Ecology, *Damien Cie, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Medical Scientist (M.D./Ph.D.), *Angela Burgess New York Medical College, Pharmacology
Molecular Biology, *Khanichi Tape, Ph.D. Candidate, Division of Biological Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health
Molecular Biology, *Vicki Hurless, UCSD/SDSU Joint Doctoral Program Neuroscience, #April Weissmiller, UCSD
Translational Medicine, *Maricel Gozo, Ph.D. Candidate, Cedar Sinai

* sponsored by the NIH/NIGMS SDSU MBRS.IMSD Program 2R25GM058906‐09A4
# sponsored by the NIH/NIGMS SDSU MARC Program 2T34GM008303-22
& sponsored by the CSU-LSAMP NSF Grant HRD-0802628

Friday, February 17, 2012
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
SDSU Campus Location: Hepner Hall (HH 221)

General question and answer from audience, followed by break out sessions by discipline.

Rooms for individual break out sessions will be posted at HH 221, day of event.

Bios of all panelists will be provided day of event.

Light refreshments provided.

All Students Welcome!

To register now:

Contact: 619-594-6447 or email:
Michelle Lopez, MA

This event is open to all students. Please forward email to interested faculty/staff/students.

Sponsored by the NIH.NIGMS MBRS.IMSD Program
Grant: 2R25GM058906-09A4

Promoting pathways to graduate school and research opportunities

Science & Engineering PhD Panel February 17.2012 Hepner Hall 221

Published in Research STEM Activities