Are you thinking about going to graduate school?
… Be SURE!
The Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering/Science
Program at Georgia Tech
May 24 – July 29, 2010
College of Computing
College of Engineering
College of Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology
o Exciting and rewarding 10-week research projects in engineering, computing, applied science, and electronics packaging for juniors and seniors in electrical, aerospace, chemical, civil, computer, environmental, industrial, mechanical, and materials engineering, as well as physics, chemistry, mathematics, or computer science.
o Housing, meals, and travel expenses provided, plus a $5,000 stipend
o Advisement and mentoring by Georgia Tech graduate students and faculty
o An opportunity to find out more about research and life at Georgia Tech – a great introduction to graduate school!
For further information, or for an application:
Call or write SURE, c/o Dr. Gary S. May
Professor and Steve W. Chaddick School Chair
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0250
(404) 894-2902
Or visit our web site at:
All awards will be announced by March 15, 2010.