SDSU Career Services STEM Overview
What is STEM?
STEM refers to the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
STEM initiatives started as a way to promote education within middle and high schools in these related areas so that students would be prepared to study STEM fields in college and pursue STEM-related careers.
How is STEM relevant to SDSU?
The STEM-related disciplines cross a range of Colleges on campus, and involve a number of faculty, staff and students.
What is SDSU STEM Careers Month?
To unite several efforts at SDSU, SDSU Career Services is launching STEM Careers Month in October 2010. The purpose of STEM Month is to support students who will be leaving SDSU by connecting them to employers and possible employment and graduate school opportunities. For students entering or new to SDSU, STEM Month will provide them with information about how to connect better to campus as they continue their education.
What events are planned for STEM Careers Month?
At present, SDSU Career Services has the following events planned for STEM Careers Month:
• Thursday, October 7: WISE University Seminar and Engineering Learning Community Coffee Hour (Career Resource Room, SSE – 1200, 9 am)
• Tuesday, October 12: Speed Networking for the College of Sciences (Casa Real, 4 – 7 pm)
• Thursday, October 14: Graduate & Professional School Day, with STEM Emphasis (Centennial Walkway, 10 am – 2 pm)
• Wednesday, October 20: Careers in STEM Employer Exchange (Montezuma Hall, 11 am)
• Friday, October 22: Speed Networking for the College of Engineering (Casa Real, 10 am – 1 pm)
• Friday, October 29: Engineering & Sciences Career Fair (Montezuma Hall, 10 am – 2 pm)
How do we get involved with SDSU STEM Careers Month?
Contact Dee Thomas, Executive on Loan from SAIC, at x 44383