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SDG&E Civic Leadership – Application Form

Funded by SDG&E, this Civic Leadership Program is an opportunity for students in the Math, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Programs at SDSU, City College and Southwestern College to serve as peer mentors for high school and middle school students in the MESA Schools Programs (MSP) in San Diego and Imperial Valley.

The focus of the mentoring will be on college preparation and leadership development. The goals of the Civic Leadership Program are to:

• increase student aspirations to pursue studies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) majors

• increase student confidence for success in STEM studies in college

• increase student confidence to become leaders Mentors will participate in the following activities:

• Mentor training on college preparation, college admissions and leadership development

• Regular mentor visits with mentees at MESA high school and middle school sites, to be coordinated with MSP Directors

• Participation in MSP signature events, including MESA Day preliminaries and regionals, robotics competition and end-of-year event

• Give workshops in STEM specific areas

Mentors are expected to commit 75 hours to this Civic Leadership Program through Spring 2013. A stipend of $825 and a program shirt will be provided to each mentor. If interested, please complete the application below.

Applications are due by Wednesday, December 12, 2012. Applications will be reviewed by MESA staff. Applicants will be notified of their selection as a mentor via e-mail by Friday, December 14.

For more information, please speak with the MESA Director at your home campus:

• SDSU: Theresa Garcia

• City College: Rafael Alvarez

• Southwestern College: Dr. Raga Bakhiet

Apply now!

Published in Employment MESA Activities SDG&E Civic Leadership Training