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SDG&E Civic Leadership Mentors Selected

Congratulations to the following students for having been selected as mentors for the SDG&E/MESA Civic Leadership Program!

Here is the mentor team roster:


First Name

Last Name


City Priscilla Flores Other Life Sciences
City Catherine Tompkins Engineering – Bio
SDSU Sannisha Castillo Engineering – Civil
SDSU Lucas Gonzalez Engineering – Civil
SDSU Bryan Shibley Engineering – Aerospace
SWC Alfredo Calderon Physical Sciences – Physics
SWC Jesus Rodriguez Physical Sciences – Physics

These mentors will commit 75 hours through Spring 2013, for which they will receive a stipend of $825.  This is a great opportunity for these students to serve as peer mentors for high school and middle school students in the MESA Schools Programs (MSP) in San Diego and Imperial Valley. The focus of the mentoring will be on college preparation and leadership development.

Published in Employment MESA Activities SDG&E Civic Leadership Training