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CALPIRG Energy Service Corps Summer Positions in Los Angeles

CALPIRG Energy Service Corps has fifteen positions open for our summer program in sunny Los Angeles.

Apply now to be an AmeriCorps member, working to make Los Angeles more energy efficient!

Application Deadline is Friday, May 17th.

Los Angeles has come a long way from its history as a smoggy city but we need your help to continue moving LA towards its future as a clean, efficient city. This summer CALPIRG Energy Service Corps will be educating over 2,000 local youth about energy and the environment through fun, interactive lessons, training local community members to be more efficient, and doing energy upgrades for local non-profits to help them reduce their environmental impact and save money!

The program will run from June-August and will be accepting only fifteen members. You will complete 300 hours of service before graduating from the AmeriCorps program and receiving an educational award of $1,208.

•    Educate local youth about energy and the environment
•    Train community members to save energy and money
•    Work with the media and local elected officials
•    Complete energy upgrades for local non-profits
•    Create partnerships to move Los Angeles towards a clean future
•    Learn the skills it takes to create real social change!

Apply now because space is very limited for this great opportunity!

Like us on Facebook and keep posted on what we got going on and how to get involved!

Published in Employment Internship Volunteer