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Category: MESA Activities

2012 NSF/MESA Summer Team Internship Program

Congratulations to the following MESA students in obtaining summer internships/research opportunities at their respective sites and being a part of the 2012 National Science Foundation (NSF) / MESA Summer Team Internship Program.

The information presented are for the current 2012 NSF/MESA Summer Team Interns who are participating in the Summer Team Internship Program.

This includes teammate assignments, poster instructions, poster deadlines, and other requirements necessary related to the Summer Team Internship Program.

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Uprising Of The Robots

Southwestern College’s Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) program is working to develop scientists to provide hope for Earth. Its imaginative Robotics Club is at the vanguard as it invaded the 19th Annual MESA Olympics and Robotics Challenge. The Sun, 5/21,

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2012 End of Year Celebration

Informal year-end celebration for extended MESA & SPSD family – students, faculty, staff, industry and guests – at the Southwestern Community College Aquatic Center at Silver Strand State Beach. Friday May 11 2012 from ~12:00 – 5:00 pm.

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19th Annual Olympics & Robotics Competition

The 19th Annual MESA Olympics & Robotics Competition took place on Saturday, April 28, 2012 from 8:30 – 2:00 pm at San Diego City College.

108 MESA students, staff, and volunteers across the MESA programs at San Diego State University, San Diego City College, Southwestern College, and from Roosevelt and Mann middle schools in San Diego and Southwest and Imperial high schools in Imperial Valley who are part of the MESA Schools Programs in their counties, participated in the competition.
The competition segmented in problem-solving sessions, prosthetic arm and/or robotics competition designed to promote teamwork, engineering and problem solving skill development.

The OLYMPICS competition has teams of 4 students solve technical problems in mathematics, chemistry, physics and engineering. The competition is broken down in 3 academic levels.

The ROBOTICS competition uses the LEGO Mind storm NXT 2.0 robotics kits for teams of 4 students to build robots to complete 2 challenges-an obstacle course, and a head-to-head competition.

This year, for the first time, a Prosthetic Arm competition for middle school students was included in the event. Two groups created a prosthetic arm using materials provided to them. The projects were judged on dexterity and design.

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Local students do well at regional math, science competition

The Imperial Valley Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement program has proven once again that it is possible to have fun while learning.

The team came back from the University of California, Riverside, MESA Day Regionals competition with ribbons, medals and a trophy beating out hundreds of students all over Southern California, program director Jeanette Espino said.

Students from Meadows Elementary School, Holtville Middle School, William Moreno Junior High School, Enrique Camarena Junior High School, Seeley School, Westmorland School, Kennedy Middle School and Bill E. Young Jr. Middle School participated.

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MESA/Hamilton Sundstrand Training Academy

The Hamilton Sundstrand Training Academy took place at Hamilton Sundstrand Power Systems in San Diego, California, on Friday, April 13, 2012, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

The purpose of the training academy was to expose a diverse group of college level engineering students to Hamilton Sundstrand, business development, and the skills needed to succeed in the workplace as an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Market Analyst.

Business Development Manager David J. Gideon facilitated discussions regarding Hamilton Sundstrand, business development, and their APU Market Analysis internship. Mr. Bob Edie and Ms. Maria Charles provided an extensive facility tour that included: safety, product line, packing, shipping, turbine assembly, rotor assembly, APU test cells, and the tail end of certain aircrafts.

Students also received classroom training on the APS5000 APU, an APU found on the Boeing 787 aircraft. Topics of instruction and discussion included: APU theory, line maintenance, fault isolation, technical specifications, the global economy, and export control. Older turbines, wheels, inlet guide drains, and rotor assembly parts were available on hand for closer inspection.

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Upcoming – 19th Annual Olympics & Robotics Competition

Competition for all MESA programs segments in problem-solving sessions and/or robotics competition designed to promote teamwork, engineering and problem solving skill development.
The OLYMPICS competition has teams of 4 students solve technical problems in mathematics, chemistry, physics and engineering. The competition is broken down in 3 academic levels.
The ROBOTICS competition uses the LEGO Mind storm NXT 2.0 robotics kits for teams of 4 students to build robots to complete 2 challenges-an obstacle course, and a head-to-head competition. The exact nature of the obstacle course and battle will be distributed with the Robotics kits after teams are formulated around Spring Break.

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11th Annual Leadership Summit

The 11th Annual Leadership Summit took place at the Indian Hills Camp in Jamul on the weekend of March 2 – March 4, 2012.

52 MESA/MESA Engineering Program (MEP)/Maximizing Science Potential (MSP) students from San Diego City College, San Diego State University, Southwestern College, Ventura College, Morse High, Lincoln High, Southwest High, and Calexico High Schools participated in various competitions that promoted the use of their leadership skills and various strengths attributes.

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Electrocorticographic Brain Computer Interfaces: Building Cortical Control Columns

Brain computer interface (BCI) technology has classically focused on two signal acquisition modalities for
control: multi, single-unit activity (MSU) and electroencephalography (EEG). While MSU activity
provides a high fidelity, multi-dimensional signal for BCI control, obtaining long-term stability of single unit recordings has proven difficult at best due to glial encapsulation issues.

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