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News and press releases regarding MESA and the San Diego MESA Alliance.

CA’s Economic Payoff: Investing in College Access & Completion

This study concludes that the benefits of higher education extend well beyond the direct payoff for students and include substantial gains to the state, and it is indeed worth the investment. California´s higher education investments pay off for all of California, not only for the individuals who receive a college education through increased lifetime earnings, but for the state in increased tax revenue and reduced costs for social welfare programs and incarceration.

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Uprising Of The Robots

Southwestern College’s Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) program is working to develop scientists to provide hope for Earth. Its imaginative Robotics Club is at the vanguard as it invaded the 19th Annual MESA Olympics and Robotics Challenge. The Sun, 5/21,

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TutorMe – Virtual Whiteboard Mobile App

TutorMe is a virtual whiteboard mobile application that intends to replicate and enhance the experience of a tutoring session for people whom are unable to physically meet. Anybody who has access to a laptop with a trackpad and a modern web browser, or an iPad, can use it, with plans for enhancing compatibility with other tablets later. It is planned to be offered for free for students, with additional options for private tutors (including a payment platform) and other institutions. We are currently under development and looking for beta testers.

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The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) is a national organization dedicated to achieving equity and full participation of women in science, mathematics, engineering and technology. Since 2003, six remarkable young women from the San Diego City College Math, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Program have received a $1,000 scholarship from AWIS San Diego. Overcoming life challenges – first in their family to attend college, low income, single mom or military veteran, this is their inspiring story of transfer, achievement and success! Most recently in 2012, MESA Creator Hue Simone, a mathematics major, was awarded the AWIS Scholarship and former MESA student (now at UCSD), Ashley Pourazary.

The previous five MESA Creators who received the AWIS scholarship have earned Bachelor of Science Degrees in Math, Engineering and Science areas, and they have all gone on to graduate study, including 1 Masters program and 4 Ph.D. programs at Harvard University, University of North Florida, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and Rice University!


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Local students do well at regional math, science competition

The Imperial Valley Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement program has proven once again that it is possible to have fun while learning.

The team came back from the University of California, Riverside, MESA Day Regionals competition with ribbons, medals and a trophy beating out hundreds of students all over Southern California, program director Jeanette Espino said.

Students from Meadows Elementary School, Holtville Middle School, William Moreno Junior High School, Enrique Camarena Junior High School, Seeley School, Westmorland School, Kennedy Middle School and Bill E. Young Jr. Middle School participated.

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