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News and press releases regarding MESA and the San Diego MESA Alliance. – Free Web Conferencing

About AnyMeeting
The beta version of AnyMeeting was orginally launched in October 2009, under the name Freebinar. Since then, we have been busy gathering feedback from our growing user base in order to help us improve the AnyMeeting web conferencing experience.

We are able to make a superior service for online meetings and keep it free through the help of the AnyMeeting user community. Our users are passionate about the AnyMeeting service and help build the community by spreading the word to their friends and colleagues. Our advertising revenue model keeps us in the black and allows us to add the cutting-edge features that our users want.

To stay informed about AnyMeeting, follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We also make frequent posts on our Web Conferencing Blog.

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MESA Conference for Leaders and Pros

The San Diego MESA Alliance and Raytheon Company will host a unique event to bring student leaders and professionals together to network, collaborate and exchange ideas for improving math and science education.

This year the conference will be hosted by Raytheon Company and San Diego MESA Alliance, which aims to increase the number of students to pursue academic and career paths in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics industries, increase retention in these disciplines and promote opportunities in post graduate studies.

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2011-2012 NSF Scholarships

75 students across the 3 participating campuses of the San Diego MESA Alliance (San Diego State University MESA Engineering Program, San Diego City College MESA program, and Southwestern Community College MESA program) were given up to a $500 stipend for participation in MESA/STEP Partnership of San Diego activities.

$36,504 in National Science Foundation (NSF) scholarships distributed directly to students significantly decreased financial burden on students and their families.

Students who received or are in the process of receiving scholarship support for the 2011-2012 academic year include:

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Leading Ideas: Culture Drives Success | Fast Company

Culture is your organization’s DNA – the blueprint for everything you do. To be better at innovating – your culture must expect and foster innovation. To improve customer satisfaction – your culture must expect and foster great service. Great leaders realize this. They know that “culture” isn’t a single item on a task list. And it can’t be delegated to a committee. It’s all encompassing. It’s the real work – and legacy – of leaders.

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“Stixy” is an easy to use, FREE, virtual online white board! I recently found it while searching for an online resource to help make group collaboration easier. With Stixy, you simply create the virtual white board by adding “drag and drop” Notes, Photos, Documents or Todo items, then share access to the Stixy board with all group members via an email invitation. Group members are then able to view and edit the Stixy board on an as-needed basis. Messages on updates to the Stixy can also be sent directly from Stixy to all or individual members. Plus, users have the option of creating multiple Stixy boards for different projects that involve different groups.

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Academic Leaders Share STEM Education Ideas

High levels of student educational attainment and career success in STEM disciplines become easier to reach when institutional leaders take a systematic approach toward change and make mentoring a prominent part of their programs.

This was among the key points made Wednesday at the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) 2012 Joint Annual Meeting, or JAM, on Broadening Participation Research.

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Complete College America

In just ten years, more than 60% of all new jobs will require a college education. Will your state be ready? Good family incomes and the health of state economies depend on more of our young people succeeding in college. See where your state stands currently, and then commit to making college completion a priority.

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