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Tag: MESA Day

Imperial Valley’s MESA center to host regional event on April 20

Brenda Huerta (left), Imperial Valley Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement assistant coordinator, and Melissa Lizarraga, IVMESA program coordinator, talk about their preparations for the “Middle School Regional MESA Day” at their office in El Centro on Thursday. Lizarraga said MESA Day is scheduled April 20 at Imperial Valley College and anticipates more than 250 participants from the University of California Irvine, UC Riverside, Chapman University, San Diego State University, and Imperial Valley MESA. (JOSELITO VILLERO PHOTO / April 5, 2013)

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Students’ intellect on display at MESA Day

Staff Writer, Copy Editor
10:33 p.m. PST, March 9, 2013

IMPERIAL — Aside from the wealth of information they found on the Internet about prosthetic arms, Holtville Middle School eighth-grader Eli Romo also had access to one. Because of the help this physical aid provided, Eli and his fellow team members were able to design one they felt made them MESA Day contenders.

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MESA students prepare for competition

Nearly 40 MESA students from various junior high and high schools attended the academy, which featured presentations on how to build a strong bridge, glider and prosthetic arm. Imperial Valley Press, 2/16,,0,4627848.story

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Volunteer for MESA Days

Save the dates for MESA volunteer opportunities! For those that inquired about volunteer opportunities at the MEP/MSP Fall Open House. This is a great way to encourage and mentor students to enter STEM fields, and fulfill the MEP/MSP community service requirement. All the following events will take place at SDSU & food will be provided!:

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Local students do well at regional math, science competition

The Imperial Valley Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement program has proven once again that it is possible to have fun while learning.

The team came back from the University of California, Riverside, MESA Day Regionals competition with ribbons, medals and a trophy beating out hundreds of students all over Southern California, program director Jeanette Espino said.

Students from Meadows Elementary School, Holtville Middle School, William Moreno Junior High School, Enrique Camarena Junior High School, Seeley School, Westmorland School, Kennedy Middle School and Bill E. Young Jr. Middle School participated.

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SDSU MESA Days Preliminaries

Volunteer/Community Service Opportunity:
Pre-College students in the MESA Schools Program will be competing in the SDSU MESA Day Preliminaries with several projects, i.e. Windmill, Egg Drop, Popsicle Stick Bridges, Manila Folder Bridges, Mousetrap cars, and MUCH MORE, to determine who will represent the SDSU MSP at the MESA Day Regionals.

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