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Category: STEM Activities

Non-MESA activities.

SDSU MBRS IMSD E-Portfolio workshop

Learn How to Create a Electronic Portfolio to:
•Promote yourself and use as a networking tool for prospective graduate program recruiters/future employment
•Showcase your research and educational work experience
•Highlight your achievements
•Provide access to your CV and publications
•Reflect on your work and future aspirations
•Summarize your skills and achievements relevant to your professional development goals.
Students will also learn how to create a simple electronic portfolio and will see recent samples from SDSU alumni.

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MBRS Upcoming Free Workshops

Is your goal to be admitted to a graduate degree program in the Science, Technology, Engineering, of Mathematics Fields? A strong statement of purpose is a critical piece of your graduate school application! Get a jump start on your graduate school applications now!

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Univ. of Michigan PIBS Preview

PIBS is hosting its annual Fall Preview Event, October 6-8, 2011. We hope you will help spread the word and encourage your top students to apply. This is a great opportunity for your students to preview what we have to offer them for graduate training and student life.

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Post-baccalaureate Research and Education Program (PREP) at the University of New Mexico

The Post-baccalaureate Research and Education Program (PREP) at the University of New Mexico, under the
direction of Dr. Richard Cripps, is currently recruiting nationwide and accepting applications for the 2011-2012
cohort. PREP is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded program designed to enhance the ability of
underrepresented minority post-baccalaureate students in the biomedical sciences to gain entry to, and succeed in,
nationally-recognized Ph.D. programs.

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University of Maryland Summer Training and Research (UMSTAR) program

This program is designed to provide traditionally under-represented undergraduate students with 2 consecutive summers of a 10-week research training and career development program to enhance their potential to apply for and complete graduate degrees in biomedical and behavioral science relevant to preventing and treating cardiovascular disease.

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9th National AMSA ARC/UCD Pre-Medical and Pre-Public Health Conference

The 9th National AMSA ARC/UCD Pre-Medical and Pre-Public Health Conference provides community-college and university students with the information and skills necessary to succeed in medical school admission process. It provides a unique opportunity for direct contact with medical school deans of admission, admission officers, financial aid officers, faculty and staff.

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18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society

The Wildlife Society (TWS) and the Native Peoples Wildlife Management Working Group (NPWG) of The Wildlife Society, the 2011 Native American Professional Development Grants Program. This years grants program is a competitive program available to all Native American, Alaska Natives, First Nations, native Hawaiian or indigenous tribal students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program studying natural resources or natural resource management.

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GRE Test Prep

Interested in preparing for the GRE. Here is the next prep course. The test is DRASTICALLY changing after August 2011. Your score is good for 5 years.

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Collegiate Inventors Competition

Introduced in 1990, the Collegiate Inventors Competition has recognized, rewarded, and encouraged hundreds of students to share their inventive ideas with the world. The Competition promotes exploration in invention, science, engineering, technology, and other creative endeavors and provides a window on the technologies from which society will benefit in the future.

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