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Category: Employment

Employment opportunities.

Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates at Northwestern University

The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at Northwestern University offers a 9-week, paid summer research experience for undergraduates. The students are paired up with some of the leading research professors in science and engineering fields. Research areas include ceramics, nanocomposites, photonics, nanoparticles, and molecular electronics. While there are many REU programs, the NU-MRSEC stands out in offering students an interdisciplinary research experience. Students currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in science or engineering who are US citizens or permanent residents are eligible. The program dates this year are June 18 to August 17, 2012; Applications are due Feb. 15, 2012. Participants are paid a $4500 stipend and a travel allowance and on-campus housing is provided. For more information, please visit our website:

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NSF REU Opportunity: Smart Energy and Smart Systems – Electrical & Computer Engineering

Smart Energy and Smart Systems: Enabling the Future through Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University offers undergraduate students a unique opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research with faculty members on topics of smart grid and smart energy systems.

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Summer Research at UC Berkeley

The Center of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems (COINS) at UC Berkeley is accepting applications for our summer research program. Below are the highlights as well as an attached flyer. Would you please distribute to any students and student organizations you think might be interested?

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Student applications being accepted for 2012 Summer Team Internship program

The NSF MESA Summer Team Internship program is an excellent opportunity for students to develop new skills, gain experience working in science and engineering firms, collaborate in a team, and build relationships with potential employers.

Students will be placed in teams of 2-4 students to collaborate on a research poster that details their work on projects in science and engineering firms or for faculty in, but not limited to, San Diego. Prior summer team internships and its luncheons/receptions/poster presentations can be viewed in the archives.

The internship is a minimum of 100 hours at $12.50/hour for a total of a $1,250 stipend (minus applicable taxes).

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Paid research opportunities for Spring and Summer 2012

SDSU is a partner with University of Washington and MIT for the new Engineering Research Center (ERC) in Sensori Motor Neural Engineering (CSNE).

We have a few opportunities for SDSU MEP/MSP students to gain paid research experience (spring and summer 12) and to share that experience with pre-college students (outreach).

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2011 Shadow Day

Through the San Diego MESA Alliance, college students will have a unique experience to witness the “real world” of work in an engineering or scientific environment. Your involvement will provide a great opportunity for our up and coming students to “test the waters” in a field of their interest and see first-hand how classroom skills relate to the workplace.

What better way to do that, than observe and work with a professional in action! You the employer, get to make a positive impact on the lives of students; future engineers and scientists!

More information can be found at

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Undergraduate Research Scholarship

The California Space Grant Consortium (CaSGC) is pleased to announce its 2011-2012 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) for Juniors and Seniors attending CaSGC affiliate member institutions.
Scholarships: Up to twenty $1,500 scholarships will be awarded to California college and university students studying Science, Technology, Engineering or Math.

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REU SITES: Chemistry

This is a list of the active chemistry division funded REU sites (Sies with active NSF awards). Almost every site has a web page where more information can be obtained. Clicking on a highlighted site title should direct you to the external web page. [NSF is not responsible for the content of these external web pages.] Useful information for REU Site Principal Investigators can be found through the REU Leadership Group ( [Not an NSF website — NSF is not responsible for its content]

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Paid student internships with US Fish and Wildlife Service

There are a limited number of competitive, paid internship opportunities available with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) through the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP). If you know of a student that would be interested in a summer internship or you believe would make a valuable addition to the FWS, please encourage them to contact their regional FWS office ( and apply directly to their respective regions for open positions. As I receive more information about this and other opportunities I will pass it along. In the mean time, please post and spread the word to any promising student who is focusing on a natural resources-related degree.

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