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Category: News

News and press releases regarding MESA and the San Diego MESA Alliance.

2009-2010 NSF Scholarships

70 students across the 3 participating campuses of the San Diego MESA Alliance (San Diego State University MESA Engineering Program, San Diego City College MESA program, and Southwestern Community College MESA program) were given a $500 stipend for participation in SPSD activities.

5 students at SDSU were given scholarships less than $500 as appropriated by their unmet need determined by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

$35,590 in NSF scholarships distributed directly to students significantly decreased financial burden on students and their families.

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ASCE Pipelines Conference 2010

August 29 – September 1, 2010 in beautiful Keystone, Colorado, the Construction Institute (CI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) will present its signature Student Days to create, for engineering students and faculty, a unique real-world engineering experience that will give a practical perspective to the pipeline industry through educational sessions and networking with a variety of industry professionals.

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Mock Interview, and Resume and Cover Letter Critique

Northrop Grumman representatives Desiree Galenti and Beilee Tracey facilitated a presentation on ‘Interviewing for a Job’ on Monday, March 15, 2010 at San Diego State University Career Services from 1:00 – 4:00 pm.

Representatives from Infrastructure Engineering Corporation, Northrop Grumman, and San Diego Gas & Electric/Sempra Energy also hosted appointments for one-on-one mock interviews (at 30 minutes), and resume critiques/cover letter critiques (at 30 minutes).

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Getting Future Scientists and Engineers to the MESA

By Kristiana Erthner
Cars racing, bridges collapsing and strange objects falling from the sky—this is what MESA Day is all about.

On Saturday, March 6, the MESA Schools Program (Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement) will host its annual MESA Day event, giving San Diego County middle and high school students the opportunity to participate in a number of science-based activities and win awards for their performances.

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