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Category: Employment

Employment opportunities.

MIT Summer Research Program Application

The Office of the Dean for Graduate Education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will host its annual MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) from June 6 – August 7, 2010.

The MSRP, an institutional effort that began in 1986, facilitates the involvement of talented students in research aspects of the fields of engineering and science—particularly those who are underrepresented in these fields.

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SDSU Free Tutoring

Opportunities to be tutored for all SDSU students beginning this Saturday December 12th and ending on Tuesday, December 15th. Any and all SDSU students are invited to attend. The tutoring sessions will be provided free of charge.

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SDSU 2010 Student Research Symposium (SRS)

SRS provides an excellent opportunity to showcase student research and creative activities to faculty colleagues and students across the campus, and local industry. For the students participating, SRS provides a venue to practice and hone their presentation skills, show off their work to their peers, and compete for cash prizes. SRS awardees will also compete in the 2010 CSU Student Research Competition.

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