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Category: Employment

Employment opportunities.

2010 NSF-STC Summer Undergraduate Internships

These summer research opportunities are fully-funded and are an excellent way to gain a competitive edge toward graduate school. The Centers are currently accepting applications for the 2010 Summer Programs. Deadlines are rapidly approaching. I encourage those interested in applying to visit the Center website at

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Summer Research Internships at UNT Health Science Center

The Summer undergraduate Research Program at UNT Health Science Center is now accepting applications and we welcome students to apply. Please forward this email to all students and contacts who may be interested
and thank you for helping students gain experience in preparation for their futures in science.

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Summer Math Research program

This is an eight-week program with the following goals:

– Provide an opportunity to undergraduate students to have a research
experience in mathematics.
– Help students develop skills to communicate the results of their research.
-Produce scientific publications.
-Encourage students to pursue a career in mathematics.

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Funded Masters to PhD programs at CSULA in STEM

I would like to bring to your attention outstanding opportunities for your talented LSAMP, CAMP or AMP underrepresented minority graduating seniors [African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Pacific Islanders (native Hawaiians, Guamanians, Samoans) Filipinos] who intend to earn a masters degree prior to pursuing the PhD. The California State University, Los Angeles MORE (Minority Opportunities in Research) Programs offers two mechanisms to support motivated students to pursue a full-time two-year research intensive MS in preparation to pursuing the PhD.

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Mock Interview, and Resume and Cover Letter Critique

Students experience application and interview selection process to work at various engineering and scientific firms in San Diego County from June 2010-August 2010. Great opportunity for career exploration.

The Mock Interview, and Resume and Cover Letter Critique will be on Monday, March 15, 2010 from 1pm-4pm at SDSU Career Services. This event will have limited seating and will be hosted by industry. Northrop Grumman will host a presentation on resumes and cover letters from 1-2p and limited students will have an opportunity to participate in 30 minute one-on-one Mock Interviews and Resume/Cover Letter Critiques between 2-4p.

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PAID Internships: Immediate Call for Resumes and Cover Letters

There are three companies that are interviewing and hiring for PAID SUMMER INTERNSHIPS NOW! Send me your resume and/or cover letter by Friday, 2/10/10 and I will immediately forward it to the companies you are interested in. Let me know which companies to forward your resume and cover letter to…

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Northrop Grumman Shadow an Engineer

During a Shadow Day, you will:
• Visit Northrop Grumman’s Aerospace Systems facility in Rancho Bernardo
• Follow an engineer around in his or her department to get a first-hand look into their day to day operations
• Get an executive overview of the corporation
• Take an inside look of the labs

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Summer Research – Earthquake Engineering REU

The George E. Brown Jr., Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) is inviting applicants for its 2010 summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). NEES is a network of experimental sites across the country designed to enhance engineers’ and scientists’ potential for discovery and collaboration. The network includes state-of-the-art equipment to support physical simulations of earthquakes and tsunamis.

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